S6. Stimulants

What are stimulants?

Stimulants are psychoactive substances which induce temporary rises in either mental or physical function or both. Examples of these kinds of effects may include enhanced alertness, wakefulness, and locomotion, among others. Stimulants, however, have a moderate effect on sport performance unless ingested in large quantities. Amphetamines and cocaine are two of the most widely known stimulants.



S7. Narcotics 

S8. Cannabinoids

S9. Glucocorticosteroids

Substances and methods prohibited at all times 

Substances and methods prohibited in-competition

Substances prohibited in particular sports

List of Prohibited Substances and Methods for 2013
Summary of the main changes to the 2013 list and explanatory notes
Monitoring Program of the World Anti-Doping Agency for 2013
List of Prohibited Substances and Methods for 2012