Anti-doping education for athletes and athlete’s support personal

Anti-doping education for athletes and athlete’s support personal

In the period 14-18 November 2019 experts from the Bulgarian Antidoping Centre have delivered an anti-doping education for athletes and athlete’s support personal from Bulgarian Powerlifting federation, Bulgarian rhythmic gymnastics federation, Bulgarian Bodybuilding and fitness federation, Bulgarian orienteering federation. Every participant has been acquainted with the following topics: Harm to the spirit of sport, Doping Control Procedure, Rights and responsibilities of the athletes and the athlete support personnel, Therapeutic Use Exemptions /TUE/; Prohibited list 2020; Doping and Anti-Doping rules violations in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code. In the end of every educational session, the participants’ knowledge has been tested by a quiz and they have received a copy of the Prohibited list 2020.

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