What should a whereabouts filing contain?

Most importantly, whereabouts information should be of ‘high-quality’ i.e. it should enable the Doping Control Officers of the Anti-Doping Centre or any other legitimate anti-doping organization (e.g. an international federation, the World Anti-Doping Agency, International Olympic Committee, etc.) to locate the athlete for out-of-competition testing. The whereabouts filing for each quarter should contain the following information:

• for each day during the following quarter, one specific 60-minute time slot between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. each day where the athlete will be available and accessible for testing at a specific location;

• for each day during the following quarter, the full address of the athlete’s overnight accommodation (e.g. home, temporary lodgings, hotel, etc.);

• for each day during the following quarter, the name and address of each location where the athlete will conduct any regular activity (e.g. train, work, school), as well as the usual time-frames for such regular activities;

• the name and address of each location where the athlete is scheduled to compete during the quarter and the relevant dates;

• a complete mailing and/or e-mail address where correspondence may be sent to the athlete for formal notice purposes.

Who provides whereabouts and why?

Deadlines for whereabouts submission

Sanctions for whereabouts failures

How are whereabouts submitted?

International Standard for Privacy and Personal Data
Informing form - Processing of personal data in Adams
Instruction on the criteria for inclusion of athletes in the anti-doping center athletes registry
A short guide to provide location information through Adams