Anti-Doping Programs Department
The Anti-Doping Programs Department administers and manages anti-doping activities, control activities, educational activities and information and international activities.
I. The administration and management of anti-doping activities is carried out through:
1. use of the ADAMS system under the Regulation on Anti-Doping Activities, adopted by Decree № 147 of the Council of Ministers of 2019 (State Gazette, issue 47 of 2019), and the International Standard for Testing and Investigation of the World Anti-Doping Agency;
2. A participation in the activities of the Result Management Expert Group in case of:
(a) atypical results;
(b) adverse analytical results for the establishment of anti-doping rule violations in accordance with the International Standard for Result Management;
c) possible whereabouts failures of an athlete;
(d) non-analytical findings on possible anti-doping rule violations by the Athlete and / or Athlete Support Personal;
3. notifying the Executive Director of atypical results or possible anti-doping rules violations and preparation of proposals for procedures under them pursuant to the Regulation on Anti-Doping Activities and the World Anti-Doping Code.
II. The control activity is carried out through:
1. maintaining a Register Testing Pool;
2. maintenance of the Secondary Register Testing Pool;
3. maintenance of the Register of Team whereabouts;
4. maintaining a Register of the Doping Control Officers;
5. preparation of proposals for accreditation of the persons entitled to participate in the Sample collection process;
6. consideration of applications and preparation of opinions on requests of athletes applying for Therapeutic Use Exemption for substances and methods included in the WADA’s Prohibited List by the Commission for Therapeutic Use Exemption with the participation of external experts, specialists in the relevant field;
7. compliance with the International Standard for Testing and Investigations in Doping Control Procedures.
III. The Educational activity is carried out through:
1. training of persons for acquiring the right to participate in the Sample collection process;
2. trainings for using the ADAMS system;
3. development and implementation of educational programs for the anti-doping rules for athletes, Athletes Support Personals and other persons;
4. conducting awareness raising anti-doping campaigns and preparation of related information materials.
IV. The information and international activity is carried out through:
1. ensuring the international correspondence and cooperation of the Anti-doping Centre;
2. ensuring the contacts of the Anti-doping Centre with the mass media;
3. maintaining and updating the information on the website of the Anti-Doping Centre.