What is cocaine?
Cocaine is a stimulant which is more commonly used as a recreational drug than for performance enhancement. Cocaine produces feelings of euphoria and well-being, which are usually followed by feelings of anxiety and depression when the effects of the drug wear off. Repeated use usually results in tachyphylaxis (a decreasing response to the drug) which often causing the recreational user to deviate to more potent drugs.
Medical uses of cocaine
Cocaine has only one medical use, as a topical anaesthetic in eye and nose surgery.
Effects on performance
The effects of cocaine on performance are minimal and are limited to increasing arousal and alertness with low doses. As the dose increases, detrimental effects such as reduced co-ordination and unwarranted aggression are frequently reported.
Side-effects of cocaine
The side-effects of cocaine are:
• myocardial infarction (heart attack);
• cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal rhythm of the heart);
• cerebral hemorrhage (ruptured blood vessel in the brain);
• seizures (fits or convulsions);
• confusion, paranoia and delirium;
• irritability and restlessness.